Aluminium Windows

Our thermally-broken, aluminium-framed windows and doors are built precisely to meet your requirements. As you would expect, all products are manufactured and installed to the highest of standards. The vast majority of our window ranges also have matching door counterparts to ensure a uniform appearance to your build. As you would expect all of our glazing installations comply with local building regulations and come with a 10 or 25 year product guarantee.

  • Custom Made
  • Smart Technology
  • 10 Year Guarantee

The air-lux Sliding Smart Window System is a beautifully modern window solution that can be operated with voice control (Siri or Alexa), touch surface or remote control.

To complete the system, each moving casement includes an innovative automatic inflating seal that enables a 100% airtight seal - Providing the best impermeability in the industry.

Technical Specification

Product Type
Aluminium Windows and Door Systems
Product Type
air-lux Sliding Smart Window System
Multiple Door, Window & Fixed-Pane Options
Aluminium frame with wood and/or solid bronze
All runners, guide rollers, latching and locks constructed from high-grade steel
Double or Triple Glazing as standard. Laminated safety glass, Alarm glass & Bullet-proof glass available as options
Multi-dead locks
Wind Resistance
(EN 12210) class C4 / B4
Air permeability
(EN 12207) class 4
Water Resistance
(EN12208) class E1500
Noise insulation
(EN 14351-1)
10 Year Product Guarantee
Product Features

  • Custom Made
  • 10 Year Guarantee
  • 100's of Colours

Our Slimline range of Aluminium-framed windows offer a high quality glazing solutions for side hung, top hung, open-out and parallel opening casements. Suitable for both the residential and commercial markets.

Technical Specification

Modern, Slim Aluminium Window and Glazing Systems

Our slim-framed Aluminium Window and Door range is of the highest quality glazing solution you can buy. Our custom made glazing systems can be designed to completely integrate whatever the style of your property.

Residential and Commercial Glazing

We offer a huge choice of shapes, sizes, finished and mechanisms; Including (but certainly not limited to) side hung, top hung, open-out and parallel opening casements.

All of our windows and doors are suitable for both the residential and commercial markets.

This versatile range of profiles can provide many solutions such as traditional casement windows inspired by the elegance and styling of timber products, or automatic parallel opening commercial windows designed to provide a balanced airflow in multi-storey commercial buildings.

Product Features

See your living space in the best light possible with a brand new style of glazing. Minimalist, flush glazed, wall to wall glass that brings a new level of brightness to every aspect of your home.

Technical Specification

SLW75 Lumi Flush Glazed Windows

Product Features

XS: Mobile
SM: Tablet
MD: Laptop & iPad
LG: Desktop & iPad Pro
XL: HD Desktop